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(507) 723-4288


                                          September 1, 2005



1) Getting used to seventh grade is a gargantuan adjustment.  (For students too!)

2) I assign homework every day!

3) Students need to bring a pencil, pen (blue or black), notebook, folder, novel and highlighter every day.

4) For the first few weeks of school and periodically throughout the year ask your child to bring homework home even if he or she says it is done.  There is a big difference between having it done and doing it correctly.  Sometimes it is not even done.

5) Late assignments are zeros.  Students will stay after school on Fridays until all of their late work is completed.  If students fail to finish their late work before leaving school on Friday, they have one hour of detention the following Monday.

6) Students are required to read Accelerated Reader books every quarter.  They read a book and then take a computerized test.  This is a substantial portion of their grade.  If they do not have any points by midterm, they will be spending one half hour with me every day until finished.


I will use the following grading scale: 


100            A+        87-89        B+          77-79        C+        67-69         D+        Below 60      F

93-99         A          83-86        B            73-76        C          63-66         D

90-92         A-         80-82        B-           70-72        C-         60-62         D-


I encourage you to contact me if you have any questions.  My e-mail and Web site addresses are at the top of this page.  I will post weekly assignments on the Web site by 9:00 a.m. Monday.  I am also available at the school from 7:40 a.m. - 8:10 a.m. and from 3:15 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.  I encourage 7th graders to see me during these times so they don’t fall behind. 


Thank you,




Mark Buerkle, Junior High English Instructor




I have read this letter regarding Junior High English and will do my part to help.



PARENT SIGNATURE ____________________ DATE __________________